Support us!

help us in the development of the project

The progress and success of PM's projects depend on the generous contributions we receive from volunteers and sponsors - come and join the team!

Anyone who can offer time and energy in voluntary support is always welcome!

Your '5per1000' Italian tax donation together with other cash donations (which are tax deductable) are used to sustain our current projects:

  • PM Centre Project - to transform our premises into custom-built spaces for a multi -purpose Community Arts Centre;
  • Music and Resilience - for the development of music education, support and therapy resources for the Palestinian and Syrian refugee populations of Lebanon;
  • SatiErikon - Atelier PM's 2018 music-theatre production, celebrating the centenary of the 1st World War armistice: to be premièred in July 2018.

PM is deeply grateful for any help you can give us - every contribution makes a difference!   

Related pages
PM Volunteers (Basic page)
PM Centre Project (Basic page)
SatiErikon (Atelier PM)